Currently in Kenya about 8 million people lack hygienic sanitation, particularly where community members don’t have access to clean toilets. In Nairobi, a company is tackling the waste problem:

Sanergy was founded in 2011. Three of our co-founders came together to think about how to solve sanitation challenges” – Edith Karimi, Sanergy LTD. The company founders initially visited Mukuru slums in Nairobi where they ran an extensive research program. Speaking with the community members ultimately inspired them to develop the fresh life toilet.

A Fresh Life toilet unit
Fresh life toilets are a hygienic, clean facility and Sanergy are also creating a useable by-product from the waste. “Everyday we collect about 10 tonnes of waste from the community which we take to a central processing facility and convert into valuable by-product; such as pure protein which is very good animal feed used by farmers who have livestock.” – Edith Karimi. The larvae feed on and break down waste from the toilets. These larvae are then harvested and boiled for sterilization. They are then sun-dried for easy packaging. The larvae also undergo rigorous testing so as to ensure high standards are met in providing farmers with quality products. “We have several by-products; Evergrow which is a rich organic fertiliser, biogas production which will continue to scale in the future and biochar which is a soil conditioner.” – Edith.