Hospitality Ventures Management Group Enrolls 25 Hotels in Skywalk

SOL VISTA’s Skywalk® energy management platform will provide HVMG with actionable intelligence through ongoing building monitoring and reporting; benchmarking compliance in any jurisdictions where it is required; assistance with energy efficiency projects; and the identification of more advantageous energy procurement methods.

HVMG has an outstanding reputation for achieving high-end results with all their projects and SOL VISTA is proud to bring our ingenuity and expertise to these 25 hotels as part of an integrated plan of success.

Skywalk empowers commercial building owners, managers, and engineers to improve the performance and profitability of their buildings. The platform makes proactive management of utility costs and consumption simple by combining conventional and unconventional data aggregation, sophisticated analytics, and actionable insights and alerts.

Skywalk simplifies work for both onsite staff and portfolio managers by providing alerts to utility usage and billing anomalies and automating compliance with annual building energy benchmarking mandates, while also reducing the environmental impact of their buildings.