Man transforms rooftops into fertile farmland in DC

Several years ago, Kristof Grina and his friends started Up Top Acres. It’s an urban farming company that grows their crops on DMV rooftops.

WASHINGTON — What do you see when you look at the DC sky line? It is a concrete jungle with some nice rooftop views. But, Kristof Grina sees something else: fertile farmland.”

Several years ago, Grina and his friends started Up Top Acres. It’s an urban farming company that grows their crops on DMV rooftops.

Up Top Acres now grows produce on seven rooftops. They also sell their produce locally.

Grina explained Up Top Acres has another mission: to transform how the city gets its produce. They only sell their food nearby. Instead of farm to table, it is rooftop to storefront.

“It’s either going down the elevator and getting wheeled into a restaurant or it is getting on a trailer and getting biked to the restaurant,” Grina said.