MCN Update: 7 February 2019

The Mentor Capital Network supports companies that are changing the way business is done. 

Companies like Folia Water, who are developing an water filter that costs less than a penny a day and are exploring how to get their filter into bodegas and market stalls where the people who need reliable clean water shop.

Companies like Access Afya, whose clinics make basic health care accessible and reliable, so their customers don’t have to worry about one medical emergency sending them back to poverty.

Companies like Back to the Roots, who are using the concept of educational food to change how a generation thinks about where their meals come from.

Companies like Tala, who are using innovative credit data to bring 3 billion people into a financial system that help them build a business or provide schooling for their children. 

What these companies have in common is more than a good idea well executed. They believe that everyone can have the dignity of being a customer, an employee, and a changemaker. What they also have in common is that when they were first getting started, they came to the Mentor Capital Network and we offered them with feedback and mentorship from our mentors — a community that knows what it takes to build a successful mission-driven company because most of them have done it themselves. 

The MCN runs a virtual accelerator program which starts with a business plan review. This allows us to work with entrepreneurs from all over the world, and supports the core of our programming — giving our entrepreneurs and mentors the opportunity to choose each other. 

If you are starting or growing a company that you think will change the world for the better, we encourage you to apply for our program. If you know someone who you think the MCN could help, please send them to for more information. 

Apply by March 15th
The Mentor Capital Network supports for-profit companies. If you are building a non-profit organization, we encourage you to check out our partners at The Unfunded List